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And then, another dream came true...

In late 2022 I was presented with the opportunity to participate in a multi-author book focused on overcoming obstacles. As with anything of substance, the leap itself was an accomplishment. What followed was one of the best experiences of my life. In fact, a friend said, "I think you got about 5 years of therapy in the time it took you to do this!"


Along with a dozen other women, from all walks of life, we spent weeks developing our individual stories, gathering for group coaching, and getting to know one another very well. This culminated in chapters we are all proud of and a book that reached "bestseller" status in multiple categories in April of 2023. I invite you to read it for yourself, and also check out the recipient of all profits, Central Texas Table of Grace.


Order Your Copy of our Bestselling Book Now!!!

All profits go to

Central Texas Table of Grace 


Best Selling Author SYW.jpg

"Yummy Pies" Book
just in time for Pi Day (3/14)

Yummy Pies You Can Bake Yourself Cover_edited.jpg


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Austin, TX


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We observe major Christian and Jewish holidays.



**Prices subject to change, customization prices vary  Also, quotes based on current market value. We reserve the right to adjust pricing according to current market value.


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***Large orders require a deposit of 50% upon order's acceptance.


***More than 72 hours from delivery, we will offer a 50% refund on your order.


***Less that 72 hours out we cannot offer refunds but we can offer credit toward your next purchase.


How far in advance must I place my order?

Limited items available same day, most require 24-48 hours notice; Large orders require minimum 1 week notice.


Consultations are recommended for any large order and required for special occasions so there are no misunderstandings. Please book asap so your date is available. (A large order is defined as more than 5 dozen cookies or something that serves more than your immediate family.)



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